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Operating and Design Department

Tasks of Operating Staff:

  1. Receive printing requests from colleges and university centers.

  2. Ensure that the operation requests meet the university regulations and decisions.

  3. Ensure that the printed material is included in the print request.

  4. Write the new print request and send it to the design staff.
  5. Follow up and coordinate with the requesting party to approve the draft.

  6. Transfer and follow-up of the printing requests after the final draft approved by the requesting party 

    with the administrative departments until the implementation and delivery of the publication is completed.

Tasks of Design Staff:

  1. Perform graphic design work and art direction for the required publications in accordance with the technical specifications of the operating request.
  2. Arrange and format text, colors, and images according to print request content.
  3. Prepare and print the necessary drafts to be sent to the requesting party for approval after coordination with operating staff.
  4. Printing and ejecting film using film extruders, and printing on a pallet using a CTP pallet extruder

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